Charge your talisman to heal yourself and armour with a cooldown.
Heated Candy Gun
Shoot melting candy at your teammates, the candy will become solid and give them some extra armour, explode your gun for permanent extra regenerative armour.
Candy Grenade
Jiggle your grenade and have a random chance to get:
A grenade that puts delicious candy on your teammates giving them a speed boost and a new slide ability.
Explode extremely hot melting cheapskate candy on your enemies to slow them down and clog their guns up!
The grenade will put a yucky stinky hot gas of candy for everyone to smell! when they smell it they will lose their hunger and speed…
Ouija Board
Call upon the ghosts to attack your enemies! or use it to tame SCPs or remotely weaken them to prevent the enemy from using the SCP to their benefit.
Ghost Hood
Put your ghost hood on to be see-thru making it much harder to be seen with thermals and over all.
Read out spells to protect yourself!
Spell Ideas:
Vis Sera Portus (Puts a magical barrier on the chosen door preventing enemies from entering)
Poena Dea (Inflicts the enemy with a great amount of pain)
Non Accedes (Puts a ring of fire around you enemies that pass will burn)
Qui circa me sunt, ipsi sanabunt et ad pugnam inimicum convalescent (Puts a healing aura that grants healing boons for your team)
Priusquam moriar, ad postremum transeo (When you are downed or dead you can choose to become a ghost and damage enemies a bit and permanently degrade their maximum health)
Nulla verba expromere quae experior, sed est profunda, altissima, et certum est te occidere, non vinces.
Phasmatos Tribridrium Invictor
Ego te edam (Rip the heart out of the enemy if they are downed, this can be done in ghost mode preventing the enemy from being healed but you need to be downed or dead)
The reason why I wanted to make this is because I found an old book my grandma gave me and she always talked about witches and stuff (she was a little crazy) but I wanted to honour her by putting her “spells” in here.