Optimize Transportation

While I know this would reduce the realistic aspects of the game, I think it would greatly optimize the experience of players if elevators and the monorail were cutscenes rather than physical parts moving.

For example, elevators can be entered and a cutscene will be played of your player entering the elevator then it will play a cutscene of you exiting the elevator. The same would be done with the monorail except the monorail will load in and drive into the station, and players can click a prompt and their character will walk on and have their screen fade until they arrive at the next station.

This could already be a well optimized feature, but regardless I feel as though this would feel cleaner to the overall aesthetic of the game rather than the current system where your character will sometimes lag behind, fall through floors, etc.

This is not necessarily a bad idea, but I do not feel it fits the game style of Pathos.

The only cut scene in pathos is just the loading and intro one so I doubt we’re getting elevator cut scenes