Pathos Life System

Simple Idea:

Upon joining the game as a new player you will see three boxes.

On the left there’s Foundation, in the middle there’s Class-D and on the right there’s hostile.

If you are in the Foundation you can have a new life as a Foundation member, if your in a GOI that gives you access to a team that is hostile to the Foundation then you will be given access to the hostile team.

You can only join Class-D unless you’ve been accepted as an SC-0 or you are in a hostile GOI.

Upon clicking one of the boxes you will create your character, choose your team if your on the Foundation one, and choose what you spawn with on that character, what the character looks like and where it spawns (or just keep randoms spawns for certain teams).

There is a specific timer on how long until you can change your life, you can only change your life during the Blue Sky protocol and there should be hidden things that can make the timer on how long until you can change your life longer or shorter, examples of this would be the players you’ve killed, test you were in, and many other factors to prevent meta-gaming.

Due to this addition a few changes have been made:

  • Class-D’s cannot receive money from heists unless they were at the location when it started, and combatants cannot go to the installation command during an ongoing heist if they just spawned in a new life or haven’t been playing as a combative for longer than five minutes.

  • All Radio data is wiped from the persons view upon life change.