Prestige Ideas (Long suggestion!)

What about prestige levels you get by playing the game!!

Here’s some level ideas!!

  1. Cheapskate Field Bandage (less powerful)

This is for the people who cannot afford to purchase the Medic gamepass for field bandages, or are a facility personnel.

  1. Earn 5% more cash overall! and get 10% off shop discount, and eat faster on foundation teams.

  2. Enhanced fists!

Deal 30% More damage with your fists and 40% if you don’t have a gun in your inventory.

  1. 30% Higher chance to find a weapon from the hostile crates, and access to the FOUNDATION Personnel shop (all teams foundation can use this) sells a cute cat toy and perfume.

  2. Moods Boost!

Hunger goes down 30% slower and you run 1% faster.

  1. Elite Power

Deal more damage to Class-D’s on a non-combative team is there’s less than eight security members and if there’s no MTF online (on foundation personnel team and lower level sd). Deal a little more damage if there’s more than 2 MTF and 12 SD (on cd team).

  1. Unlock New shop items!

Get access to a RUSTED GLOCK on the foundation team shop!!

Get access to a broken stolen keycard in the shop!!

And gain the ability to purchase a gas mask in all shops.

  1. Enhanced Fashion

Better disguises on the CD team, showing a fake keycard on your avatar allows you to fool SD Cadets and Agents only! MTF and higher ranking SD will see through your trick as it will be glowing! And being near SD for longer than seven seconds will reveal your trick even to them!

More access to uniforms on CD teams and some foundation teams.

  1. Great Knowledge

Open manhole 60% faster and you can avoid cooldowns!

Deal 30% less initial damage to team members.

Rainbow username tag choice, and other colours such as blue pink yellow ect!! (the rainbow one changes colours)

Hacking doors has a 45% chance to miss 1-2 letters of the password, allowing for faster entry to doors.

The Tablet your receive on foundation teams will no longer be limited to your profession! Ex: Scientific Tablet won’t be limited to logging tests and stuff like that.