Removal/Lock Feature For Vehicles

Add a button to the overhead UI buttons to remove your own vehicle (use the same script that despawns your old vehicle when you spawn a new one to prevent seat issues with players still seated inside) that won’t work if you are below half health or injured at all (gives a chance for CD to be able to steal them still even after killing combatives).


Add a lock system that locks out anyone other than MP, EC, ISS, SC-4+, and MaD who doesn’t have a lockpick (new item that would give a 50/50 chance of working or setting off an alarm). This will save combatives time and bullets when destroying their vehicles and allow them to stay alert for CD nearby.

Yep lock system, please?

I can already see this not being added.
And I say this SHOULDN’T be added either.

Cars already naturally despawn after a short period, you could always spawn an ATV over the car you had previously and if that is not currently available, just shoot the car?

Generally, I have not seen anyone have issues with the system we currently have in place, so if it aint broke then don’t fix it.

I could agree to adding a feature AT one of the spawning stations that lets you completely despawn your car; but not wherever you please.
Especially not with a overhead UI that only checks if you are below max health.

Lock system could be a decent idea but realistically, who would lock their cars each time, especially if you can just spawn a new car without any cooldowns.
(and how does the car check if you have any of the roles either? like from a realistic standpoint, it’s not like a iPhone facial recognition that detects that you are MP or anything.)

The second idea seems more acceptable but not completely acceptable, maybe cook some more on it.