ScD/E&TS Special equipment, Equipment vault, Mass production and Foundation budget

This suggestion will go over gameplay for ScD as an alternative to SCP testing. This is not a replacement and is there to fill the gaps between each test. TL:DR included as for the length (~18k characters, ~3000 words, ~4 hours spent).

I had worked on this base idea about 9 months ago, but scrapped it as I at the time felt the system to not be engaging enough. Some aspects/ideas of it are still present in this.

I still have a copy of what was made at the time if anyone is interested in seeing.


  • Global TTK lowered by couple milliseconds.
  • Phi motorpool and Technical wing switch places.
    • Technical wing moved little further away from Phi.
  • ScD can modify weapon and armor stats to then give them to combatives
  • CDs can raid equipment vaults for basic and modified equipment
  • ScD can create schematic of modified weapons or armor to allow E&TS to mass produce the modified equipment and also get paid for it.
  • CDs can raid technical wing to steal modified equipment from production
  • Foundation budget which functions as 1 collective bank to be used by departments for vendors and other purchases.
  • ScD can collect samples from SCPs to make unique equipment or modifications.

What this suggestion aims for:

  • Provide ScD with (more) gameplay through actual gameplay content instead roleplay (testing)
  • Provide ScD with gameplay which does not always involve class-D or is not mandatory.
  • Provide gameplay for E&TS in the future
  • Provide class-Ds with a new point of interest in the installation
  • Provide class-Ds with a sources of equipment;weapons and armor.

// General changes //

ALL weapons will have reduced body (Maybe head as well?) damage. This is done to to lower the TTK and add more value that can be gained from modifying weapons.
Headshots will still be deadly to allow quick assassinations.

Technical wing and Phi motorpool also switch their places, and Technical wing is moved further away from Phi.
This is done because TW in its current location would not fit with the upcoming changes.
New TW location would also add little bit of content to the said area.

// Equipment upgrading and schematics //
ScD are capable of creating upgraded equipment, such as armor, weapons and some select tools.

Within Research wing, ScD will find a larger laboratory in place of the ScD conference room which would be moved elsewhere.

Within this lab ScD are also able to find a testing chamber.
Within the testing chamber, ScD will be able to test their new equipment on class-Ds or just the walls.

Steps of upgrading equipment:

1) ScD will need to obtain the item they wish to modify.
This can be done by having combative escort and let ScD inside an equipment vault found in IC or Omicron (EV replaces SD spawn, which is moved to Phi motorpool) to grab the needed equipment crates. Going to the vault may be risky however, as class-Ds may try to strike the vault and steal whatever weapons they can while the vault door is open.
The vault door is pretty slow to open and close, and taking out some of the equipment can take some time.

The vault can also be entered with SCP-1200, 005.
Omicron EV will have SD equipment, while IC EV will have MTF equipment. If some weapon or armor is accessed by both combative teams, ScD can take the equipment from either one of the vaults.

2) Bringing the equipment to the lab.
Once the equipment are in the lab, ScD are almost able to begin experimenting.

3) Bringing in materials
ScD will also need materials from the storage warehouse found in the technical wing This is fairly simple and safe.

4) Experimenting
With the different materials ScD are able to modify the stats of the chosen equipment, which can be a weapon or armor.

Different materials modify equipment differently and randomly. 1 material might increase damage by 5% while increasing recoil by 10%. Another material might reduce recoil by 7% but lower the fire rate and armor durability by 10%.

All stat modifiers on materials are randomized on each server, but will stay consistent on them during the server’s lifetime; this allows you re-create the same weapon if you remember the exact materials you used (and which order), but once the server resets you will need to discover new way to get similar results.

These stat changes can only be discovered by testing them at the testing chamber. ScD will have few tools to test many of the stats accurately. Some stats may require a class-D as a test subject or something else for accurate results.

ScD are also able to apply special effects to weapons, such a dragon’s breath shells for shotguns. These can be expensive.

As ScD uses more materials and the stats deviate more from the original equipment, the more expensive it becomes.

5) Upgrade completed
After ScD has applied all materials they wish and the equipment is ready, they can immediately hand it to up to 4 combatives. These weapons will last for 3 lives.
ScD will receive a full payment for giving these weapons. The payment comes from the Foundation budget or from the combatives who took the weapon (Combatives have the option to pay)
The payment amount depends on how expensive the weapon was.

Alternatively ScD can turn the weapon into a schematic. Turning it into a schematic will stop you from giving to a combative and cannot be undone.

6) Schematics
Schematics can be given to any member of E&TS, who is capable of starting mass production of the equipment.
While E&TS member has the schematic in their inventory, they can interact with a server cabinet in technical wing.
ScD will no longer play a role in the process.
Interacting with the server cabinet while holding the schematic will begin mass production initiation on the chosen conveyor belt line.

Server can only hold 3 schematics. Existing one must be deleted if you wish to insert a new one.

7) Mass production initiation
In technical wing, E&TS can find a 3 conveyor belts with rails on 1 side where they will need to install mechanical arms on.

Mechanical arms can be found in nearby corner and there multiple types;

  • Welding
  • Manipulation
  • Precision

These arms will need to be installed in correct order along the conveyor belt as described on the schematic; the order can be viewed from the schematic directly (while it is inventory) or viewing the schematic from a terminal with a command.

The type of the arm depends on what material ScD used to make the upgrade; metallic materials would often use welding arm, while electronic materials would often use precision arm and any other would use manipulation arm.

When all mechanical arms are in place, E&TS must initiate each of the arms by interacting with the small terminal screen attached to the arms.
Interacting with them will give E&TS a quick time event and short puzzle after which the arm is ready.

Failing the QTE or installing wrong arm will cause the arm to make wrong changes to the mass produced equipment or simply not make any changes to it. This mistake may cost the foundation a lot or just be a waste of time. E&TS members need to make sure all arms are installed correctly, as any mistakes are not informed of via some sort of HUD pop-up or big red screen.

8) Mass production
When all arms are ready, E&TS can start up the conveyor belt with single keycard reader.
The arms will automatically produce the upgraded equipment as on the schematic (unless E&TS messed up during initiation) and all finished equipment will be dropped into a crate at the end of each conveyor belt.

Each equipment produced will cost the foundation and will be deducted from the foundation budget. If there is not enough budget, the equipment production will halt. E&TS who initiated the arms and the ScD who made the schematic will both be payed equally for each weapon produced. If the weapon costs 500 credits to make, both E&TS and ScD member gets 250 for every weapon produced.

With a single conveyor belt, 1 upgraded equipment is made every 2-3 minutes. All 3 conveyor belts can be used to mass produce the same equipment, but can also be used to produce other equipment.

During mass production, some arms may malfunction; halting the line automatically or making wrong changes and requiring initiating them again.
This may or may not be informed of.

9) Equipping/accessing the equipment.
Combatives can claim equipment directly at technical wing at the crates.
Alternatively, the equipment can be brought to the Omicron or IC equipment vault where after they can be equipped in the menu and be respawned with until out of stock.
The modified equipment must be brought to the correct vaults; bringing modified G36C (as example) crate to IC EV will not allow SD to spawn with them and will instead allow MTF to spawn with them. Same goes vice versa.

Equipment in the vaults are much safer than if left to Technical wing, but are not completely safe.

Class-Ds are able to break into technical wing to either sabotage the production line, or just steal some for themselves.

// Sabotage //
Class-D can destroy the mechanical arms by shooting at them, which will cause the production line to halt. No alert of this is made.
Class-Ds are also able to break into the server room, hack the server cabinets and delete the schematics to prevent further mass production.

E&TS can create backups of schematics, however that will cost them from their own pockets or foundation budget and is quite expensive.

// Stealing //

Class-D can steal the modified equipment by going up to the container at the end of each conveyor belt and interacting with them.
Successful interaction gives the class-D a box similar to CR boxes. Bringing this box to hostile spawn (Upper caves) or any vendor will allow class-Ds to equip the stolen equipment in similar fashion to combatives.
Stolen equipment is not alerted of, but can be noticed by combatives if they notice the crates do not have the expected amount of equipment (and CDs are clearly running around with modified weapons).
Class-Ds will not automatically equip the stolen equipment. The equipment can also be purchased from vendors for free or obtained from hostile crates. The amount in stock for CDs is slightly higher than the amount stolen (due to CD’s risk vs Combative’s)

// Foundation budget //
Foundation budget is essentially a collective credits for foundation personnel. Foundation budget is only usable by department members (So no SC-0 spending it all on Pepsi and candy)

The budget will slowly and passively raise as FP receive more credits. Essentially whenever that SC-0 receives his 10 credits, the foundation budget also gains 10 credits. (Numbers may need tweaking).
Other sources are included, such as reviving, healing, SCing and heists (sources from CDs are not included).

The budget can be used in place of your own credits to purchase equipment from vendors, or as already implied, modified equipment. The budget does not cover all purchases (such as canes from MD vendor)

No punishments will be given if the budget reaches zero, but it will mean that players will need to pay for upgraded equipment and vendor items with their own credits (if they wish to do so. You are not forced to buy or pay for anything).

Foundation budget is also lowered for certain events that happen such as

  • Once every few minutes during Red Heron; longer Red Herons will cost more.
  • Mass murders; lots of civils dying will cost a bit.

// Special equipment //
Special equipment are equipment crafted by ScD which have unique properties, in many cases anomalous or high tech.

Special equipment are made in similar fashion to modified equipment, with the exceptions:

  • They cannot be mass produced.
  • They require an anomaly sample in order to be made.
  • They are dropped upon death and can be picked up by other players.
  • Their stats cannot be modified.
  • They cannot be brought to equipment vaults; stored inside the laboratory.

Each SCP has it’s own anomaly sample which can be obtained in different ways with their owns risks if any.

Can be obtained from a cured, but will kill the cured in the process; may anger 049. Can also be given by main bear.

SCP-1048-B (“Bolt”)
Sample dropped when killed, given by main bear or possibly when player is killed by the large laser beam.

SCP-1048-D (“Void”)
Sample given by Void or main bear.

SCP-1048-E (“Polar”)
Sample dropped when killed with flamethrower or 457, given by main bear.

SCP-1048-F (“Magma”)
Sample dropped when killed after hit with fire extinguisher or Polarizer MK2 or given by main bear.

SCP-1048-G (“Patches”)
Sample given by Patches or the main bear.

Drops a sample after being damaged enough or given by main bear.

Given by 999. May however hurt 999 a bit.

More can be added…

Samples will remain on the ground or in player’s inventory for up ~9 minutes; any longer will cause the sample to expire. Samples of 999, Patches or any sample given by main bear do not expire.
The sample must be brought to the lab as quickly as possible and placed in vacuum storage container to prevent it from expiring. Expired sample is useless.
4 vacuum storage containers can be found, each fitting only 3 samples of the same type.

All players can collect samples and deliver them to the laboratory for storage.

Some special equipment do not require anything from equipment vault, and only require materials and the sample.
Some special equipment require specific amount of each material and the sample to actually make the equipment. Stats cannot be modified.

Class-Ds are also able to create special equipment, if they can just gather the materials and sample.

What can you make?
Only one of each equipment can exist; 2 Life reboot devices cannot exist at once.

Unique equipment

SCP-049’s sample // “Life reboot device”
“A unique device which allows the user to revive themselves to half health automatically after a short delay. The sample is unstable and will likely break after a use. The device will not function if the user’s brain is destroyed.”

If a player has the item in their inventory and is downed, they will able to revive themselves after 10 seconds unless they are finished off (via a shot in the head).
The device will break after 3 uses and cannot be used consecutively by the same player.
The device is visible on player’s back when in inventory.

SCP-682’s sample // “Adaptive vest”
“A unique bullet vest which uses a piece of 682’s hide. It still has some of it’s unique adaptive abilities”

An armor vest with very low bullet resistance but very high durability. The vest will increase it’s bullet resistance to ~70% after a being damaged after a short delay. The bullet resistance will lower back down if not shot for few seconds; it is extremely weak against bursts of damage, but will be very powerful against continuous and consistent damage.
Vest breaks completely if the durability reaches 0, but can be refilled at armor refill stations before that happens. Breaking will leave you without armor until you respawn/re-equip.

SCP-1048-G’s sample // “Healing bandage”
“An anomalous bandage. On top of treating a wound, it enhances the target’s healing for short moment”

Players who are treated with this bandage will slowly regenerate health even if all injuries are not treated or are getting shot. Effect stacks with each treated injury.
Effect lasts for 30 seconds. Not good enough to outheal any damage.
The bandage has few green and red patches similar to how Patches has some.

The bandage can be used up to 50 times, after which it converts to normal bandage.

SCP-1048-F’s sample // “Erupting vest”
“Vest which makes sure someone dies with you”

Equipment which can be equipped on top of armor.
If a player using the vest dies it will explode, killing players in small radius, flinging some and leaving larger puddle of magma at the place of death for few seconds.
The vest will have similar texture to Magma.

The vest will drop on the ground. It can detonate 5 times before it breaks.

Unique modifiers

SCP-1048-D’s sample // “Self sustaining”
“A weapon which uses sample from 1048-D. The weapon has tiny void portal inside, refilling it with ammo when exposed to air.”

The weapon has unlimited reserve ammo. The weapon has a unique firing and reload sound as well as a purple bullet tracers. Can be applied to any weapon (including RPGs).

Weapon can only be reloaded 25 times. Once last reload is done, it will break.

SCP-1048-B’s sample // “Laser cannon”
“A small high intensity laser cannon replaces which anomalously converts the cartridges into laser.”

Ignores all armor and can pierce through multiple players. Has unique firing sound and visibly shoots lasers similar to Bolt’s. Has metallic look similar to Bolt.

Weapon’s reserve ammo can only be refilled once. Once last bullet is fired, it will break.

SCP-1048-E’s sample // “Shattering bullets”
“Cartridges inside the weapon are immediately and anomalously frozen, which shatter upon hitting targets”

Players killed by the weapon will shatter into ice shards, slightly damaging and causing all players hit to begin bleeding in a small radius.
Has a unique firing sound and has a frozen look.

Weapon’s reserve ammo can only be refilled once. Once last bullet is fired, it will break.

SCP-999’s sample // “tipped ammo”
"Applied on tranquilizer gun, RPG or grenade launcher. Firing any of the weapons will not deal damage and will instead heal any players hit

Tranquilizer darts will heal players by 50 hp. RPG will heal players by 50 hp along side the AoE.
Will also apply same effect as when 999 tickles players.

Breaks after 20 shots.

More equipment can be added.


  • Further balance discussion needed in all aspects.
  • Changes required within ScD and MTF, to allow certain ScD members to attempt collecting samples during Red Heron.
  • Concerns?