Stop silently nerfing the hacking device and not telling anybody

so far the hacking device has been removed from being able to hack a specific door in cleanrooms, doors in epsilon maintenance tunnels, this is alongside kingpin keycard being removed from those two specific doors as well, which makes no sense because they’re both normal doors to open alongside routes into specific areas of the game?


Ig use keycard than. Dev wants CD use stolen keycards it seems.

as far as i know stolen keycard can’t open either of those doors
and hacking device should be able to hack doors that stolen keycard can open anyways
especially considering that you can’t get stolen keycard as a F2P player

you could never hack open the epsilon access tunnels, they’re meant to only be openable by 005 for CDs as far as i know

the main concern is the door at CR, which should be hackable since there’s no reason for it not to be

cds used to be able to open and hack open those doors but just not the one that opens into hcz, that was 005 only

I bought a hacking device. It was quite fun. Then, they nerfed it. I quit being a CD and applied because of that.