Increase the SC time for the amount of strikes gained

Make it so CDs can gain strikes after becoming DFSC, the more strikes a CD gets after becoming DFSC the longer they will be in SC if SCed and the more the SCing SD gets paid pathbucks. Reason is,CDs do things that warrant a strike after gaining 3 strikes constantly, most often killing SD. I feel that the more SD they kill and stuff like that the higher their SC time should be, I dont think its fair that a CD who has killed 30 SD and avoided getting SCed should get the same 10 minutes as some CD who got 3 strikes and got thrown into SC.

How to kill game 101

Rioters wondering why they get a long SC time after committing 500 felonies:

Very good suggestion, would balance the game more.

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So if you get 18 strikes (dying 18 times which is normal for a DFSC) you get an hour SC time…? SC isn’t meant to be a punishment.

It is, I never specified the time too

No, Solitary Confinement is not a punishment and it will never be. Rioting is
part of the CD gameplay, and thats a consequence of rioting. That’s like saying playing the game equals a punishment.

Okay so why does SC exist then huh if not a punishment (ingame lore punishment not an actual CMT or EC punishment)

dumbest idea ive ever seen

Hi guys, let’s just remember to keep this forum as a place for collaboration on ideas, be nice!

I think it’s a cool suggestions but two things:

  1. I don’t think it’s something we should do right now
  2. It would need limits (we don’t want people getting super long SC time)

Maybe something for the future though!

So if I riot for a while and rack up strikes, I’d practically be getting kicked from the game (for god knows how long)… for playing the game?

10 minutes is already plenty enough and often times I usually just quit playing pathos after being SC’d anyways. This would just further incentivize that.

@ronloxerswans SC exists to give SD a break and really doesn’t work well as a punishment
like how lego_rulles said before, rioting is a part of CD gameplay
players shouldn’t be punished for using a gameplay feature, especially when it’s the most fun way to play the game when the only other options are extremely bad, like waiting up to an hour for a test
it’s the fault of the game’s design that the most fun method of playing the game hurts the experience for other players (as well as CDs since it stops testing)
CDs shouldn’t be punished for that

beyond that, it’s possibly an idea but at the same time there’s major concerns, like with lego again, worried about 1 hour long SC times

it used to exist for doing something super disruptive, like breaching an SCP, where you would get 1 hour of SC, but that doesn’t exist anymore
mainly because 1 hour of SC genuinely just punishes the CD rather than helping the SD
if you did something actually malicious with ill intent, like intentionally targeting and shooting up a test, it was sorta good, since the punishment could actually be justified, but if you were just causing chaos like CDs were designed to do, it was just bad

at ranges like 15-20 or maybe 30 minutes max, i could see it helping SD, but past 30 minutes, it just punishes the CD
at that level, motivation/incentive to actually play as CD for longer than 10 minutes, which mainly focuses on escaping, where you die a lot, would take a harsh hit.
once CDs do become DFSC, i can just imagine them logging off pathos for the rest of the day the moment they think they’re going to be SC’d
as well as SC evading becoming significantly worse, since it’s at a point where people in general wouldn’t find it too unreasonable to break the rules to avoid having to wait 1 full hour in SC

as well as problems like uproars having basically every rioting CD having SC times of 30+ minutes, which could quickly become a problem where you’d have DFSC CDs holding out for like over an hour
and sunk cost fallacy, where DFSC CDs never stop rioting since they’re too deep in to allow themselves to get SC’d

overall this probably shouldn’t be added, and if it needed to be added, the best way to implement it would be for CDs who did genuinely malicious things

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