The Orange Crew - Armor Implementation


  • Associate

30% bullet resistance, 125 durability

  • Scout

30% bullet resistance, 150 durability

  • Bruiser

35% bullet resistance, 175 durability

  • Hitman

40% bullet resistance, 125 durability

  • Enforcer

45% bullet resistance, 150 durability

  • Lieutenant

50% bullet resistance, 150 durability

  • Underboss

60% bullet resistance, 150 durability

  • Head of Operations

75% bullet resistance, 150 durability
10% fire resistance, 10% blast resistance

  • Crew Boss/Owner

75% bullet resistance, 150 durability
10% fire resistance, 10% blast resistance

[TOC > Sharpshooters]

  • Initiate

40% bullet resistance, 150 durability

  • Sharpshooters Vanguards (Shotguns and Grenades)

55% bullet resistance, 125 durability
5% fire resistance, 5% blast resistance

  • Sharpshooters Juggernauts (LMGs and Heavy Armor)

85% bullet resistance, 100 durability

  • Sharpshooters Wardens (Snipers and Medics)

45% bullet resistance, 150 durability

  • Captain (Command)

50% bullet resistance, 150 durability
5% fire resistance, 5% blast resistance

  • The Commander (Division Leader)

70% bullet resistance, 150 durability
5% fire resistance, 5% blast resistance

Already DDA approved, just needs implementation ASAP.

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Nah that’s too op, randoms should not have anything that good

That’s too powerful, very unbalanced for BSD.

That’s the point, during TOC riots, TOC are supposed to have similar to if not better armour than BSD

I thought the Balance server already had values approved, why are you changing them?

Thank you tommy, however unless those DDA ask me they are not approved.

And, since you’ve tweaked the values I had already decided on these are denied.